Privacy Policy

Fees and Payment;

  • We will charge you for the Goods you purchase through the Services. Goods will be shipped to the address you designate during the check-out process.
  • Prices The price for goods available for purchase through the Services (“Goods”) will be displayed to you on the Services.
  • The prices displayed include taxes.
  • There is no charge for standard shipping, but expedited shipping may be purchased at additional cost.
  • Please see “Shipping” below for more information.
  • Payments The Services currently uses third parties to process payments.
  • Our third-party payment processors accept payments through various credit cards, including Visa, MasterCard as detailed on the applicable payment screen.
  • United States Dollars. All monetary transactions on the Services take place in U.S. dollars.

Refunds & Returns;

  • If there is an issue with Goods purchased through the Services, please email us at
  • Return shipping is free for Turkey customers; standard shipping rates apply for international customers.
  • If your order has not shipped, you may cancel your purchase (a) if made prior to 2pm EST/EDT (the “Cut-Off Time”), up until the Cut-Off Time the same day, or (b) if made after the Cut-Off Time, up until business day.
  • Refunds are paid directly to the same credit card if cancellation is made within 24hrs after purchase. After 24 hours refunds are paid through bank transfer.
  • Risk of loss and title for Goods purchased from Mirai Home pass to you upon delivery of such Goods to the carrier.
  • You are responsible for filing any claims with carriers for damaged or lost shipments.


  • When you place an order for Goods through the Services, the Goods will be shipped to the address you designate as the “Shipping Address” during the check-out process.
  • 3 – 9 day shipping is included for shipments to international addresses. Expedited shipping may be purchased at an additional cost.

Mirai Home’s Content Ownership and Use

Mirai Home owns or has rights to all of the content we make available through the Services, but you may use it solely for personal use in connection with your use of the Services. You cannot use our logo without our written permission.

  1. The contents of the Services include: trademarks, designs, text, graphics, images, video, information, names, logos, product and service names, button icons, software, audio files, computer code, domain names and other Mirai Home content (collectively, “Mirai Home Content”). All Mirai Home Content and the compilation (meaning the collection, arrangement, and assembly) of all Mirai Home Content are the property of Mirai Home or its licensors and are protected under copyright, trademark, and other laws of both Turkey and other foreign countries.
  2. You may not copy, reproduce, distribute, modify, create derivative works of, publicly display, publicly perform, republish, download, store or transmit any of Mirai Home Content. Unauthorized use of Mirai Home Content may violate copyright, trademark, and applicable communications regulations and statutes and is strictly prohibited.

1.1. Regarding the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (KVKK) No. 6698, published in the Official Gazette dated 7 April 2016 and numbered 29677, in order to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially the privacy of private life, and to determine the obligations of real and legal persons who process personal data in the processing of personal data < As strong> , we provide information in the capacity of Data Controller in accordance with Article 10 of the Law titled “ Data Controller’s Obligation to Clarify”.

1.2. As  the personal data of our citizens comply with the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey and international conventions on Human Rights to which our country is a party, as well as the relevant legislation, especially the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (KVKK). It has been prepared in order to ensure that the data is processed properly and that the data subject can use their rights effectively. All personal data shared with our company can be processed in accordance with the law, in connection with our activity and service purposes and in a measured manner.

2. Definitions

2.1. The concepts of personal data, special quality personal data and data processing used in the clarification text are used in accordance with the definitions made in the KVKK. Mentioned in KVKK;

2.1.1. Law on Protection of Personal Data (“KVKK ”): Official Gazette on 7 April 2016 Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, which came into force after being published in

2.1.2. Personal Data: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person,

2.1.3. Data Processor: The natural or legal person who processes Personal Data on behalf of the data controller, based on the authority given by the data controller,

2.1.4. Data Controller: Responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system, which determines the processing purposes and means of Personal Data natural or legal person,

2.1.5. Processing of personal data: the concept of personal data is fully or partially automated or any It refers to all kinds of operations performed on data such as obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, changing, reorganizing, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making it available, classifying or preventing its use, provided that it is a part of the data recording system. /p>

3. Principles of Processing Personal Data

3.1. Personal data of the data owner specified in Article 4 of the KVKK; in accordance with the law and the rules of honesty, accurately and, when necessary, for current, specific, clear and legitimate purposes; connected, limited and restrained for the purpose for which they are processed; It will be processed by the Data Controller Company within the scope of the following purposes, in accordance with the rules of storage for the period required for the purpose for which they are processed or stipulated in the relevant legislation.

4. The Purpose of Processing Your Personal Data

4.1. Your personal data in accordance with Articles 4, 5 and 6 of the KVKK;

4.1.1. As stipulated by the law and honesty rule,

4.1.2. In connection with the purposes of processing, in a limited and measured way,

4.1.3. Accurately and up to date

4.1.4. It will be processed for certain clear and legitimate purposes, as long as required by the relevant legislation or for the purpose for which they are processed.

4.2. Your personal data is carried out by our business units in order to benefit from the products and services offered by our Company; recommending you the products and services offered by our company; Planning and/or execution of market research activities for sales and marketing of products and services; Planning and/or execution of after-sales support services activities; Following the contract processes and/or legal demands, ensuring the legal, technical and commercial job security of the persons involved in the business relationship; Ensuring the execution of our company’s human resources policies, evaluating if you apply for a job, fulfilling our legal and legal obligations if you are our employee; ensuring quality monitoring; tracking of supplied products; for security and identification purposes when you visit our business; contacting you if you request information from our company; performance of this contract if you purchase a product; Planning, auditing and execution of information security processes; Creation and management of information technology infrastructure; Follow-up of finance and/or accounting works; Follow-up of legal affairs; Planning of business activities and its execution; Planning and execution of corporate communication activities; For the purposes of determining and implementing our company’s commercial and business strategies, personal data will be processed within the terms and purposes of processing specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law No. 6698. The data of our employees, within the scope of our human resources policy or for operational reasons such as increasing the performance level and employee satisfaction and ensuring occupational safety and work peace, as well as the obligations stipulated by the Labor Law, the Labor and Social Security legislation and other legislation in force, with which our Company or our Company cooperates or authorizes. can be processed by natural or legal persons.

5. Transfer of Personal Data

5.1. Your personal data; Carrying out the necessary work by our business units in order to benefit you from the products and services offered by our company; Suggesting the products and services offered by our company to you by customizing them according to your and your company’s needs; Ensuring the execution of our company’s human resources policies; Ensuring the legal and commercial security of our company and those who have a business relationship with our company; For the purposes of determining and implementing our company’s commercial and business strategies; It can be transferred to our business partners, suppliers, shareholders, affiliates, legally authorized public institutions and private individuals, within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the Law No. 6698.


6. Collection Method and Legal Basis of Personal Data

6.1. Personal data can be collected by our company by giving verbal, written and/or electronic information to the personal data owners in a clear and understandable manner, and when necessary, by verbal, written and/or electronic means, in accordance with the law and honesty, in connection with the legitimate purposes clearly stated above and It is collected, used, recorded, stored and processed within the framework of the principle of proportionality, on a limited basis. And also; Within the framework of our company’s commercial purpose, such as contacting us, establishing a contractual relationship, visiting our business, transmitting your information to us for commercial activity, sharing information in promotional organizations, through different channels and based on different legal reasons; It is collected in order to develop the products and services we offer and to carry out our commercial activities. Your personal data collected for this legal reason can also be processed and transferred for the purposes specified in this Clarification Text within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law No. 6698.

6.2. In addition, we assure that your personal data will not be processed by our company for purposes other than those specified in this disclosure document, and will not be transferred or stored to third parties in the country or abroad.

7. Storage and Deletion of Data:

7.1. Our company stores the personal data it processes for the periods determined by the legislation, and in the absence of a separate period specified in the legislation; Personal data is stored for the period required to be processed in accordance with the practices of our Company and the practices of commercial life, depending on the services our company provides while processing that data, and after this period, only for the periods that are necessary in practice in order to constitute evidence in possible legal disputes. After the expiry of the specified periods, the personal data in question is deleted, destroyed or anonymized.

8. Rights of Data Owner

8.1. By applying to the Company acting as the data controller, the data owners;

8.1.1. Learning whether personal data is processed,

8.1.2. If your personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,

8.1.3. Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose;

8.1.4. To be informed about the third parties to whom personal data is transferred in the country or abroad,

8.1.5. To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,

8.1.6. To request the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the KVKK No. 6698,

8.1.7. Requesting notification of the transactions made pursuant to clauses (d) and (e) of Article 11 of the KVKK to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,

8.1.8. Objecting to the emergence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,

8.1.9. In case of loss due to unlawful processing of personal data, request the compensation of the damage

8.2. In order to exercise your above-mentioned rights, you must send your written request to “” with a wet signed Personal Data Information and transaction request form, together with the necessary information identifying your identity and your explanations about the right you want to use. or “……………………….” You can send it to our registered e-mail address by using secure electronic signature, mobile signature or using the e-mail address previously notified by the relevant person and registered in the data controller’s system. Applications should be made in Turkish.

8.3. In the applications, the name, surname and signature if the application is written, for the citizens of the Republic of Turkey, T.C. identification number, nationality for foreigners, passport number/identity number, place of residence or workplace address for notification, e-mail address for notification, telephone or fax number, if any, and the subject of the request.

8.4. In the application that includes your explanations regarding the right you have as the personal data owner and that you will make and request to use the above-mentioned rights; The subject you request must be clear and understandable, the subject you request is related to yourself or if you are acting on behalf of someone else, you must be specifically authorized in this regard and document your authority, the application must contain your identity and address information, and documents confirming your identity must be attached to the application.

8.5. In this context, your applications will be finalized within 30 days at the latest. If the application of the person concerned is to be answered in writing, up to ten pages will not be charged. A transaction fee of 1 TL may be charged for each page over ten pages. If the response to the application is given in a recording medium such as CD, flash memory, the fee that may be requested by  cannot exceed the cost of the recording medium.

1.1. Regarding the Law on the Protection of Personal Data (KVKK) No. 6698, published in the Official Gazette dated 7 April 2016 and numbered 29677, in order to protect the fundamental rights and freedoms of individuals, especially the privacy of private life, and to determine the obligations of real and legal persons who process personal data in the processing of personal data < As strong> , we provide information in the capacity of Data Controller in accordance with Article 10 of the Law titled “ Data Controller’s Obligation to Clarify”.

1.2. As  the personal data of our citizens comply with the Constitution of the Republic of Turkey and international conventions on Human Rights to which our country is a party, as well as the relevant legislation, especially the Law on Protection of Personal Data No. 6698 (KVKK). It has been prepared in order to ensure that the data is processed properly and that the data subject can use their rights effectively. All personal data shared with our company can be processed in accordance with the law, in connection with our activity and service purposes and in a measured manner.

2. Definitions

2.1. The concepts of personal data, special quality personal data and data processing used in the clarification text are used in accordance with the definitions made in the KVKK. Mentioned in KVKK;

2.1.1. Law on Protection of Personal Data (“KVKK ”): Official Gazette on 7 April 2016 Law No. 6698 on the Protection of Personal Data, which came into force after being published in

2.1.2. Personal Data: any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person,

2.1.3. Data Processor: The natural or legal person who processes Personal Data on behalf of the data controller, based on the authority given by the data controller,

2.1.4. Data Controller: Responsible for the establishment and management of the data recording system, which determines the processing purposes and means of Personal Data natural or legal person,

2.1.5. Processing of personal data: the concept of personal data is fully or partially automated or any It refers to all kinds of operations performed on data such as obtaining, recording, storing, preserving, changing, reorganizing, disclosing, transferring, taking over, making it available, classifying or preventing its use, provided that it is a part of the data recording system. /p>

3. Principles of Processing Personal Data

3.1. Personal data of the data owner specified in Article 4 of the KVKK; in accordance with the law and the rules of honesty, accurately and, when necessary, for current, specific, clear and legitimate purposes; connected, limited and restrained for the purpose for which they are processed; It will be processed by the Data Controller Company within the scope of the following purposes, in accordance with the rules of storage for the period required for the purpose for which they are processed or stipulated in the relevant legislation.

4. The Purpose of Processing Your Personal Data

4.1. Your personal data in accordance with Articles 4, 5 and 6 of the KVKK;

4.1.1. As stipulated by the law and honesty rule,

4.1.2. In connection with the purposes of processing, in a limited and measured way,

4.1.3. Accurately and up to date

4.1.4. It will be processed for certain clear and legitimate purposes, as long as required by the relevant legislation or for the purpose for which they are processed.

4.2. Your personal data is carried out by our business units in order to benefit from the products and services offered by our Company; recommending you the products and services offered by our company; Planning and/or execution of market research activities for sales and marketing of products and services; Planning and/or execution of after-sales support services activities; Following the contract processes and/or legal demands, ensuring the legal, technical and commercial job security of the persons involved in the business relationship; Ensuring the execution of our company’s human resources policies, evaluating if you apply for a job, fulfilling our legal and legal obligations if you are our employee; ensuring quality monitoring; tracking of supplied products; for security and identification purposes when you visit our business; contacting you if you request information from our company; performance of this contract if you purchase a product; Planning, auditing and execution of information security processes; Creation and management of information technology infrastructure; Follow-up of finance and/or accounting works; Follow-up of legal affairs; Planning of business activities and its execution; Planning and execution of corporate communication activities; For the purposes of determining and implementing our company’s commercial and business strategies, personal data will be processed within the terms and purposes of processing specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law No. 6698. The data of our employees, within the scope of our human resources policy or for operational reasons such as increasing the performance level and employee satisfaction and ensuring occupational safety and work peace, as well as the obligations stipulated by the Labor Law, the Labor and Social Security legislation and other legislation in force, with which our Company or our Company cooperates or authorizes. can be processed by natural or legal persons.

5. Transfer of Personal Data

5.1. Your personal data; Carrying out the necessary work by our business units in order to benefit you from the products and services offered by our company; Suggesting the products and services offered by our company to you by customizing them according to your and your company’s needs; Ensuring the execution of our company’s human resources policies; Ensuring the legal and commercial security of our company and those who have a business relationship with our company; For the purposes of determining and implementing our company’s commercial and business strategies; It can be transferred to our business partners, suppliers, shareholders, affiliates, legally authorized public institutions and private individuals, within the framework of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 8 and 9 of the Law No. 6698.


6. Collection Method and Legal Basis of Personal Data

6.1. Personal data can be collected by our company by giving verbal, written and/or electronic information to the personal data owners in a clear and understandable manner, and when necessary, by verbal, written and/or electronic means, in accordance with the law and honesty, in connection with the legitimate purposes clearly stated above and It is collected, used, recorded, stored and processed within the framework of the principle of proportionality, on a limited basis. And also; Within the framework of our company’s commercial purpose, such as contacting us, establishing a contractual relationship, visiting our business, transmitting your information to us for commercial activity, sharing information in promotional organizations, through different channels and based on different legal reasons; It is collected in order to develop the products and services we offer and to carry out our commercial activities. Your personal data collected for this legal reason can also be processed and transferred for the purposes specified in this Clarification Text within the scope of the personal data processing conditions and purposes specified in Articles 5 and 6 of the Law No. 6698.

6.2. In addition, we assure that your personal data will not be processed by our company for purposes other than those specified in this disclosure document, and will not be transferred or stored to third parties in the country or abroad.

7. Storage and Deletion of Data:

7.1. Our company stores the personal data it processes for the periods determined by the legislation, and in the absence of a separate period specified in the legislation; Personal data is stored for the period required to be processed in accordance with the practices of our Company and the practices of commercial life, depending on the services our company provides while processing that data, and after this period, only for the periods that are necessary in practice in order to constitute evidence in possible legal disputes. After the expiry of the specified periods, the personal data in question is deleted, destroyed or anonymized.

8. Rights of Data Owner

8.1. By applying to the Company acting as the data controller, the data owners;

8.1.1. Learning whether personal data is processed,

8.1.2. If your personal data has been processed, requesting information about it,

8.1.3. Learning the purpose of processing personal data and whether they are used in accordance with the purpose;

8.1.4. To be informed about the third parties to whom personal data is transferred in the country or abroad,

8.1.5. To request correction of personal data in case of incomplete or incorrect processing,

8.1.6. To request the deletion or destruction of personal data within the framework of the conditions stipulated in Article 7 of the KVKK No. 6698,

8.1.7. Requesting notification of the transactions made pursuant to clauses (d) and (e) of Article 11 of the KVKK to third parties to whom personal data has been transferred,

8.1.8. Objecting to the emergence of a result against the person himself by analyzing the processed data exclusively through automated systems,

8.1.9. In case of loss due to unlawful processing of personal data, request the compensation of the damage

This Agreement, including the cases where the BUYER (Consumer) makes transactions with the application on his mobile device, is the order of the SELLER’s electronic commerce website (“INTERNET SITE”). regulates the rights and obligations of the parties regarding the sale-delivery and other issues of the products/services (“Product/Products”) specified below to the BUYER. After the BUYER approves this Agreement on the WEBSITE, the price and expenses of the Product(s) ordered are collected by the payment method he/she chooses.

Article1: PARTIES

Title  :
Address :  
Phone :  
Tax Office and Number:  
E-Mail :
Name, Surname/ Title :  
Address :  
Phone :  
E-Mail :  


Delivery Information including the Type and Type, Quantity, Brand/Model/Color, Unit Price(s) and Sale Price and Payment (collection) Information of the Products (goods/services) and the place of delivery notified by the BUYER are as follows. If the courier company that will make the delivery does not have a branch in the BUYER’s location, the BUYER must receive it from another nearby branch to be notified by the SELLER (Necessary information will be provided to the BUYER by e-mail/mail, SMS or telephone). Other issues related to delivery are stated in Article 7 of the Contract below.

Brand, Product, Color, Size etc.   ____ TL _ ___ TL
Total of gift certificate / coupon / _______ used ___ TL
Order processing and shipping-shipping fees ___ TL

Payment (Collection) Information
Payment Mode-Means : (Credit Card / Credit Card or Cash Collection at the Door)[Card Type Visa ….
Card Number ….
Payment Credit Card …
To Credit Card Installation/Single Payment  .
Total Amount … ]

Delivery Information :
Name, Surname/ Title :    
Address :    
Phone :    
E-Mail :    
Invoice Information :
Name, Surname/ Title :    
Address :    
Phone :    
E-Mail :    


The BUYER confirms that he/she has been informed about the following issues by seeing and examining all the general-specific explanations on the relevant pages-sections of the WEBSITE, before the BUYER accepts this Agreement on the WEBSITE and enters into an order and payment obligation. it does. – Title and contact information of the SELLER and up-to-date introductory information, – The sales process stages during the purchase of the product(s) from the WEBSITE, and the appropriate tools-methods for correcting the incorrectly entered information, – Professional Chamber of which the SELLER is a member ( ITO-Istanbul Chamber of Commerce) and electronic contact information (Telephone: 4440486, where the ITO’s professional code of conduct can be obtained – Confidentiality, data usage-processing and BUYER applicable to the BUYER information applied by the SELLER. to the SELLER with electronic communication rules, the BUYER’s permissions given to the SELLER in these matters, the legal rights of the BUYER, the rights of the SELLER and the use of the rights of the parties, – Shipping restrictions stipulated by the SELLER for the Products, – The Product subject to the contract

When your order is delivered, you should open your package and check the product with the cargo officer. It is especially important to do this with crushed, torn, opened or wet packages. In an unexpected situation, if you encounter a problem product, you should not take delivery of the package and make a report to the cargo authority and ensure that it is returned to us by the cargo company.

The return of products whose original packaging is damaged, destroyed or damaged due to use in any way is not accepted.

The customer is obliged to return the product in its condition when it was received and to pay the commercial loss caused by use.

Single-use or personalized products, products that deteriorate quickly or that have a potential to expire are not accepted.

To return or exchange a product that has not expired, you can contact us at e-mail address. We will be happy to assist you.

When sending back your cargo, you must send the following replacement card or invoice with it.

REPLACEMENT CARD                     ;                          ;                          ;   
Order Number ……..:
Invoice Date………………:
Invoice Number……….:
Last Modified… :

Important: In order to make a change, we must have contacted us and the last date of change has not passed. We kindly request you to send it to Mirai Home together with the product.

Product return and exchange address:

You can send your returns to the address on the invoice.

Return and Exchange Transactions Except for the Right of Withdrawal:

The consumer has the legal right to return within 14 days within the scope of the ‘Right of Withdrawal without Reason’. 

In order for the product to be returned or exchanged, it must be undamaged, undamaged, unused, with all accessories, or intact for resaleability. Otherwise, your return or replacement request will not be accepted.

In addition, you can report the products that you think have a manufacturing defect and that you want to return, within 7 working days following the delivery date, and send them to us within 14 days.

Return and Exchange Conditions:

You must contact Mirai Home before the “last replacement date” on the replacement card, which will come out when you receive your order, has passed. This period is 14 days from the delivery date of the product you have purchased under the distance sales contract. When your request reaches us, it will be evaluated by the authorities and an information e-mail will be sent to you when your return is completed.

If the product is a gift from a person, you can exchange your gift with another product you like, together with the “exchange card”. You cannot return a gift someone else has bought for you. Customers who want to return instead of exchange should return the gift together with the original invoice. Otherwise, the return cannot be accepted and it is recommended to exchange with another product.

If the product is a product purchased and used by an institution, with a  ‘Return Invoice’  issued by the institution for the return process, deducted as ‘Product Unit Price + VAT’, without including the cargo share. must be sent together. Order returns whose invoices are issued on behalf of institutions ‘Return Invoice’ cannot be made unless it is issued.

After your return cargo reaches Mirai Home, an information e-mail will be sent to you and the product price will be refunded to your credit card. The reflection time of your refund on your statement varies depending on your bank.  If there is a delay in the reflection of your refund on your credit card, you can get detailed information from your bank with the Return Transaction Number included in the information e-mail we sent you.

Product Cancellation Conditions:

You can cancel your order by contacting us at 

Canceling your order cannot be done if your order has been shipped.

*In case of order cancellation, your payment amount will be refunded to you. For payments by credit card, the refund is returned to the credit card account, and for payments by money transfer, it is returned to the account to which the transfer was made. uses Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to ensure the security of your information. SSL technology secures your personal information by encrypting your online shopping.

The SSL certificate logo you see on our site shows that all your information on the site is protected by SSL technology.

Your credit card information is sent directly to the bank and is not stored in our system. does not allow your personal information to be shared with third parties and institutions.

Your credit card information requested on the payment page is not kept on the servers of or the companies that serve it, in order to keep the security of our customers shopping on our site at the highest level. All transactions take place between your bank and your computer via